DPS, Patna (East) has successfully completed its inaugural academic session 2020-21 with a lot of fervor, vigour and stupendous achievements both in academic and non-academic spheres. Established on a 17-acre campus, DPS Patna (East) is regarded as one of the largest campuses amongst DPS family and possibly the largest in the state of Bihar.
DPS, Patna (East) is envisaged as a micro-city in itself with a fully residential campus offering state-of-the-art facilities and comfort of home for students coming from the hinterland. The school is co-educational and offers best quality education which is the hallmark of the DPS family the world over – now comprising more than 200 schools.
With English as the medium of instruction, DPS, Patna (East) will be soon affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.
Apart from providing excellent scholastic opportunity, DPS, Patna (East) endeavours to equip its students with life skills, sensitivity towards our fragile ecosystem, ethics and leadership qualities so that its alumni emerge as responsible and ethical leaders of tomorrow. We invite you to take a glimpse of the new era in education that has successfully completed one academic session (2020-21) in Patna.
Our Motto.
Delhi Public School values discipline among its students the most, evident by our motto ‘Service before Self’. Our motto constantly reminds us that the well-being of others always comes prior to our own and we should serve others selflessly and graciously.
If the vision is for one year, cultivate a flower
If the vision is for five years, plant a tree
If the vision is for eternity, nurture a child.